Welcome to the Gloucestershire Old Spot Pig Breeders United website. Use the menu on the top right to navigate the site or scroll down for more information.

GOS Breeding Advice Brought To You At The Request of Jenny Blaney Home of THE PIG PLACE
Gloucestershire Old Spots Breeding Advice. January, 2019 D. P. Sponenberg The Gloucestershire Old Spots hog breed is a relatively recent addition to the genetic resources of the USA. The breeding is closely monitored in the United Kingdom, so hogs here have good pedigrees that go back several generations. American breeders need to assure the […]

About The Breed
The earliest mention of the Gloucestershire Old Spots breed in English literature dates to around 1790. The Old Spots pig is friendly, funny, and floppy-eared, with a large, rounded body. They are white in color and can be sparsely or liberally decorated with black spots.
About Us
In the summer of 2013 many GOS breeders were looking for a place to discuss different aspects of raising GOS pigs. When a collective group of GOS breeders had a chance to meet, and talk about the many great ways to improve the herd, the GOSPBU was born.

Total views: 627
Price: $ 750.00
UK ?? - Chilthorne Princess Mary 171
Our UK Chilthorne Princess Mary broke out of her farrowing pen Thursday night. Julie and I started feeding about 9am Friday morning and Julie starts yelling Princess Mary is gone…Total views: 586
Price: $ 450.00