Gloucestershire Old Spots Pig Breed Standard adopted from the British Pig Association
The GOS is a large breed, white in color with a minimum of one distinct black spot. It has lop ears which will almost cover the face of a mature pig.
- Head: Medium length.
- Nose: Medium length and slightly dished.
- Ears: Well set apart, dropping forward to se, not at the sides, nor thick nor coarse, not longer than nose.
- Neck: Medium length with jowl little pronounced.
- Shoulders: Fine but not raised.
- Back: Long and level; should not drop behind shoulders.
- Ribs: Deep, well sprung.
- Loin: Very broad.
- Sides: Deep, presenting straight bottom line. Belly and flank, full thick. Well-filled line from ribs to hams.
- Quarters: Long and wide with thick tail set well up.
- Hams: Large and well filled to hocks.
- Legs: Straight and strong.
- Skin: Must not show coarseness or wrinkles.
- Coat: Silky and not curly. No mane bristles. Not less than one clean decisive spot of black hair on black skin. Black should not predominate.
- Underline: Straight, with a minimum of fourteen sound, evenly spaced and well-placed teats starting well forward.
- Neck: Heavy jowl objectionable.
- Ears: Short, thick and elevated.
- Coat: A rose disqualifies. A line of mane bristles is objectionable. Sandy color may disqualify.
- Skin: Serious wrinkles. Blue undertone not associated with a spot.
- Legs: Crooked.